Dicas de Expressões em Inglês: trade off (equilíbrio ou compensação), To give someone a piece of your mind (dar uma bronca), Soak up the sun (aproveitar o sol)

1.  ´Trade off´  significa ´ equilibrio ou compensação  ´

Meaning: a balancing technique where a business gives up one thing in order to achieve another – exchange all or part of one thing for another 


1.Since the deadline was short, we had to make a trade-off between speed and quality.

2.I changed my job because I wanted a higher salary- but it was a trade-off between job security and money.

2.´To give someone a piece of your mind´ significa ´ dar uma bronca    ´

Meaning: to speak angrily to someone about something they have done wrong
1.He hasn’t fixed my bike yet – I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.
2.I hadn’t cleaned my room so my mom gave me a piece of her mind.

3. ´Soak up the sun´ significa  ´aproveitar o sol ́ 

Meaning : to enjoy the Sun

1. 1.It’s a nice day – let’s go out and soak up the sun.
2.The best thing about living near the beach is that you can soak up the sun whenever you want.
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