Dicas de expressões em Inglês: slack off (abrandar), Tailgating (andar colado veículo da frente), Branch out (expandir-se)

1.  ´To slack off´  significa ´abrandar´

Meaning: To stop working hard and make less effort than usual

Ex:  1. Some employees slack off on Fridays.

2. The new log in policy is to make sure that people don’t slack off at work.


2.´Tailgating´ significa ´prática de dirigir muito próxima a um veículo dianteiro, a uma distância que não garante que a parada para evitar colisão é possível ´

Meaning: the act of driving too closely behind the vehicle in front
Ex.   1. Tailgating and speeding are not allowed by law.
2. David was fined for tailgating on the freeway.

3. ´Branch out´ significa  ´expandir-se ´ 

Meaning: To start to do something different from what you normally do, specially in your work.
Ex. 1. After working in an architecture firm for some years he branched out on his own.
       2. The pharmaceutical company has recently branched out into perfumes.
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