Dicas de expressões em inglês: Bad apple (má influência), Few and far between ( com pouca frequência), Go through a rough patch

1. ´Bad apple´ significa ‘ má influência ´

Meaning: a person whose behavior negatively affects the others in the group – a bad influence


Ex: 1. One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel.

2. There’s always one bad apple in the team, isn’t it?

2. ´Few and far between´ significa ´raro (com pouca frequencia) ´

Meaning: something very rare and doesn’t happen often

Ex. 1. Good jobs in this city are few and far between.

2. High quality restaurants are few and far between.


3. ´Go through a rough patch´

Meaning: to experience a lot of problems for a period of time


Ex. 1. The company is going through a rough patch due to excessive product defects.

2. He’s going through a rough patch- his wife wants a divorce

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