Take something for granted / desvalorizar

🙋 ´´Take something for granted´´

If you take something for granted – you think that it will always be there, it will always be available.

This can also be used in the sense of underestimating or undervaluing someone and not properly appreciating someone or something.

🇧🇷 podemos falar – ´´desvalorizar´´

Ex. 1. The abundance of water has resulted in many people taking it for granted.

2. I took your support for granted because I thought you would always be there for me, no matter what.

3. Dona told her husband, ´´Don´t take me for granted.´´

4. Life is a gift and we should not take it for granted.

You can try out a sentence in the comments section 👍

Thanks and good day!🌸😊
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