Dicas de Expressões em Inglês: To take something with a pinch of salt or a grain of salt, Catch 22, Blow your own trumpet, To cut corners

Dicas de Expressões em Inglês: To take something with a pinch of salt or a grain of salt, Catch 22, Blow your own trumpet, To cut corners

1. ´ To take something with a pinch of salt or a grain of salt´ significa ´com um pouco de desconfiança ou com ceticismo´  Meaning: If you take something with a pinch of salt, you don´t believe that it is completely accurate or true   Ex. 1. Political parties make a lot of promises before elections but we should take them with a pinch ofLeia mais sobreDicas de Expressões em Inglês: To take something with a pinch of salt or a grain of salt, Catch 22, Blow your own trumpet, To cut corners[…]