Fine tune (fazer ajustamento pequeno para melhorar), A rule of thumb (regra geral),  To walk a tight rope (andar na corda bamba)

Fine tune (fazer ajustamento pequeno para melhorar), A rule of thumb (regra geral), To walk a tight rope (andar na corda bamba)

1. ´Fine tune’ significa “fazer ajustamento pequeno para melhorar” Meaning: to make very small changes to something in order to make it work as well as possible Ex: 1. We need to fine tune the presentation slides before the meeting tomorrow. 2. The team is fine tuning the email to ensure clarity and professionalism. 2.Leia mais sobreFine tune (fazer ajustamento pequeno para melhorar), A rule of thumb (regra geral), To walk a tight rope (andar na corda bamba)[…]