Loop in (manter informado)
🙋 Loop in : manter informado ✨ Segue para mais dicas- Business English ✨DM para agendar aula de teste grátis . Veja mais vídeos no meu Insta @garima_english_teacher_
🙋 Loop in : manter informado ✨ Segue para mais dicas- Business English ✨DM para agendar aula de teste grátis . Veja mais vídeos no meu Insta @garima_english_teacher_
1. ´Cute as a button´ significa ‘fofo demais ou uma graça ‘ Meaning: someone very cute and charming in a small or delicate way Ex: 1. Your puppy is cute as a button. Seu cachorrinho é fofo demais! 2. The baby is looking cute as a button in that new outfit. O bebê está umaLeia mais sobreCute as a button (fofo demais ou uma graça), Bread and butter (ganha pão)[…]
🙋 To get wind of something: Ficar sabendo 1. I don’t want my colleagues to get wind of the fact that I’m getting promoted. – Eu não quero que os meus colegas fiquem sabendo do fato que eu estou sendo promovido. 2. We don’t want the press to get wind of our crisis situation. –Leia mais sobreTo get wind of something: Ficar sabendo[…]
🙋’Take a chill pill’ In today’s busy world we all need to ‘take a chill pill’ every now and then😉👍 ✨ Segue para mais dicas- Business English ✨DM para agendar aula de teste grátis . Veja mais vídeos no meu Insta @garima_english_teacher_
1. ´Spearhead´ significa ‘liderar ou iniciar ‘ Meaning: to lead something such as a course of action, attack or project Ex: 1. She spearheaded the project on eco-friendly recyclable resources. Ela liderou o projeto sobre recursos recicláveis ecológicos. 2. The new manager spearheaded our innovative product line. O novo gerente liderou nossa linha de produtos inovadora. 2. ‘Fade away’ significa ‘ desvanecer-se , desaparecer gradualmente ‘ Leia mais sobreSpearhead (liderar ou iniciar), Fade away (desvanecer-se , desaparecer gradualmente )[…]
🙋Idiom of the day: To be right up your alley- used for an activity that is exactly what someone enjoys doing 🤠 Examples:- 1. I found this new hiking trail and since you love hiking, I thought it would be right up your alley. 2. Since you like mystery books, I thought this new novelLeia mais sobreTo be right up your alley (someone enjoys doing)[…]
🙋Folga : Day off or Time off ✨ Segue para mais dicas- Business English ✨DM para agendar aula de teste grátis . Veja mais vídeos no meu Insta @garima_english_teacher_
1. ´Shell out´ significa ‘desembolsar ‘ Meaning: to pay out Ex: 1. I had to shell out $200 for my car repair last week. Tive que desembolsar US$ 200 para consertar meu carro na semana passada. 2. I won’t shell out $300 for that shirt! Não vou desembolsar US$ 300 por essa camisa! 2. ‘Pen name’ significa ‘ pseudônimo ‘ Meaning: a name chosen by a writerLeia mais sobreShell out significa desembolsar, Pen name siginifca pseudonimo […]
🙋To put something on the back burner: colocar em segundo plano There’s a famous “4 burners theory” which says that it’s difficult to have all the 4 aspects of life – health, work, family, friends – going at full blast all the time. ☺️ At different stages of life we put one or the otherLeia mais sobreBack burner significa colocar em segundo plano[…]
🙋 Handpicked:(adjective /verb) means carefully chosen for a special purpose with attention to quality👍✅ 1. The chef has used handpicked tomatoes from his garden in this dish. 2. My boss has handpicked the best candidates for the new project. ✨ Segue para mais dicas- Business English ✨DM para agendar aula de teste grátis . VejaLeia mais sobreHandpicked significa escolhido a dedo[…]